Murder in Marblehead

Who Killed Beryl Atherton?

by Harry Christensen & Richard Santeusanio

For over forty years, on the anniversary of the night of the most brutal unsolved murder in his town’s history, Harry Christensen has returned to the scene of the crime, hoping the psychotic killer might also.  He parks across from the small, clapboard house where mild-mannered, unmarried, and well-liked elementary school teacher Beryl Atherton was brutally murdered on a stormy night in 1950, causing the townspeople of Harry’s New England town of Marblehead, Massachusetts to plummet into a state of fear and shock in the days following the murder. Who would be next, everyone asked? Why Beryl? Who would be compelled to violently kill this woman who seemed to have no enemies?

Lifetime resident and local attorney Harry Christensen has never stopped asking that question, and over the past four decades has gone to great lengths to find the identity of the murderer, turning over every stone covering up the killer’s tracks, gathering and studying all the data from town, state and federal criminal investigations, and interviewing numerous townspeople, outsiders, and suspects.

Here, for the first time, is the collection of all the obtainable research: the autopsy, the detailed murder scene, the background of the victim, the history of the town, relevant photographs, the potentially knowledgeable or involved townspeople, and the countless clues gathered over seventy years.

In conclusion, co-authors Harry Christensen and Richard Santeusanio have submitted three theories of their own, and also invited readers to join the investigation, to go through the research, to ask their own questions, and to submit their theories as to the identity of the killer. Help them solve this!